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Re: bootloader cleanup

This boot.atari is 6,716 bytes whereas the one on my system already is 7,524 bytes. Maybe this one is intended for IDE disks? If there are different versions, I would need the SCSI one.
I haven't actually tried it out yet, but I will once I hear back on this.

David Ross

----- Original Message ----- From: "Izumi Tsutsui" <tsutsui%ceres.dti.ne.jp@localhost>
To: <port-atari%NetBSD.org@localhost>
Cc: <tsutsui%ceres.dti.ne.jp@localhost>
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: bootloader cleanup

I wrote:

Could anyone try the following boot binaries on atari machines?


- put boot.atari into /
- put bootxx into /usr/mdec
Ah, no, into /usr/mdec/std .

- use installboot(8):
  /usr/mdec/installboot -v /dev/rsd0c
Izumi Tsutsui

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