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Re: Testing sysinst.fs

It's the same unmatched quote error, yes:
init: trying /sbin/init
-sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

When I run sh /.profile I get:
/.profile: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

When I run sysctl -n kern.root_device kern.root_partition I get:
..and I'm returned to the shell prompt.

David Ross

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Brownlee" <abs%NetBSD.org@localhost>
To: "David Ross" <dross%pobox.com@localhost>
Cc: "T. Makinen" <tjamaloo%gmail.com@localhost>; 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: Testing sysinst.fs

On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, David Ross wrote:

I didn't yet have time to go through the full install, but I'm not optimistic... When I run mount, I still see that the root filesystem is read-only. So I can't create /etc/disktab, and I'd imagine sysinst won't be able to do so either.
 Interesting, so the startup failed in .profile with the
 same unmatched quote error?

 What happens if you run 'sh /.profile' ?

 Could you include the output of:

     'sysctl -n kern.root_device kern.root_partition'

prepare.fs / miniroot.fs seems to be for the old non-menu based install system. So far I've just ignored them because I want to install via ftp and I don't think they support that. Someone recently said though that they did an install based on miniroot.fs.
 OK, so its possible the new sysinst system may be missing
 some step to make the install bootable which the old install
 gets right, so once we get sysinst running we may want to
 refer to it to check... but the goal is to get the sysinst
 system running fine then retire prepare.fs & miniroot.fs.

 David/absolute       -- www.NetBSD.org: No hype required --

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