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Booting /NetBSD-daily/netbsd-4/200807120002Z on my TT030

I grabbed /NetBSD-daily/netbsd-4/200807120002Z today and attempted to boot it up today. Results are pretty much the same as before...

There's long freeze after "kbd0 at mainbus0" but the boot gets past this after a few minutes. We get up to "scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle..." as before. Now I also get a new line, probably because I'm using a different drive on SCSI ID 0:
probe(ncrscsi0:0:0:0): Does not support linked commands

But then we're just frozen, as before.  =\

In other news... I was able to get 1.6.1 booting off of a 16gb SSD! Here's what I'm using:

It looks like I do have access to all 16gb, no problem. It all fits nicely into the TT030 drive tray.

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