Subject: Re: NetBSD testing on the Milan040
To: Fred Horvat <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 09/26/2000 08:16:38
On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 08:17:04PM -0400, Fred Horvat wrote:
> Hello,
> I just though of a possible way to get NetBSD running on the Milan040
> without having the proper S3 Video driver written yet.  This way until the
> video driver is written the kernal and other applications can be tested.
> The default video mode on the Milan without a video driver is ST High or

Looks like some big hurdles on the video card problem have been taken. I am
able to run NetBSD on the Milan S3 card in my Hades! There is definitely
progress in that area (although not critical to the Milan port if I read
Michaels mail correctly).

I am currently trying to produce a minimal kernel that is supposed to work on
the Milan. I want to start by bringing up the VM system and a serial console
at first. It just takes some time since multiple projects are running in
parallel ;-)
