Subject: Re: help - can't get X11 running
To: None <>
From: Julian Coleman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 08/20/1998 17:33:47 wrote:
> I'm just trying to get X-Windows running on my Falcon.
> All what I get is a nice-looking white screen for about
> half a second, and then the message
> "could not set default font path" followed by a quite
> long list of the (existing) font paths.
> As a result, the X server cannot get its default font and
> stops.

After a quick trawl through the archives - Thomas Gerner supplied the
answer to a similar question previously :

> As far as I konw the X fonts archive contains compressed fonts, but
> unfortunately the Server can't work with compressed fonts. Can it
> be that your fonts are compressed?

If you look in the font directories, you may see that the font files all
end in '.gz'.  If you type `gunzip <fontname>` (or `gunzip *` for all the
fonts) that should solve the problem.  However, it will increase the size
of the files (and thus the disk space requirement).
> I'm using NetBSD1.3.2, csh, and I had to add manually a 
> "set path=($path /usr/X11R6/bin)" line to start the X server

When csh starts up it looks at two files in your home directory -
'~/.login' and '~/.cshrc'.  Both files are read when you login and just
'~.cshrc' is read when you start another shell (e.g. from an xterm with
the +ls option).  So, if you want this in your path all the time, add the
above line to the end of your '~/.cshrc'.

> Is there a special mailing list for newbies/idiots like me?

There is netbsd-help for general questions.  However, there isn't much
traffic on port-atari and this is a better place for more Atari-specific


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