Subject: some questions
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Eltrich <>
List: port-atari
Date: 07/10/1998 16:18:03

I've some questions concerning NetBSD-1.3.2 on my TT:

- there is a problem with the Modem-2 port. I've connected a nullmodem
cable from my ISDN router to this port. This works fine with GEM (CoNnect
terminal program), so it can't be a hardware problem. When I type "cu -l
/dev/mdm02" I get a "cu: write: Input/output error" when typing any
character in the terminal. "stty -f /dev/mdm02 -a" seems to be okay. The
port is set to 9600/8N1/no handshake. Is this a known problem? Is it likely
to be fixed soon? As far as I remember this problem occurs with the Modem-1
port too. I once tried to use the SERCONSOLE option without success.

- fd1, my external DD drive, isn't recognized when there is a floppy in the
drive at boot time. When it's empty, it is recognized correctly:
    fdc0 at mainbus 0
    fd0 at fdc0: 720KB 80 cyl, 2 head, 9 sec
    fd1 at fdc0: 720KB 80 cyl, 2 head, 9 sec
Another question: There is a HD-disk in my internal HD drive - why does the
kernel not recognize it? Mounting the HD floppy or accessing it with the
mtools is possible anyway. Could this be a problem if I would try to use a
HD boot disk?

- Is floppy formatting planned to be supported? Currently "fdformat" tells,
that "device /dev/rfd1b does not support floppy formatting: Inappropriate
ioctl for device". But rebooting to TOS for disk formatting is pretty
annoying ;)

- I am planning to build my own "fixit"-floppy with my custom kernel and
some tools on it. Has anybody done so before and can describe the
neccessary steps to build such a (HD-)floppy disk?

Thanks in advance, Elchy

 Andreas Eltrich  ( ( )    ( ) )  e-Mail:
 Munich, Germany  `-^-^-@@-^-^-'
 Tel: +49-89-54379757  (..)  Fax/Analog-Login: +49-89-54379758