Subject: Re: Problems with new 1.3.1 kernel
To: None <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 03/24/1998 08:39:38
On Sun 22 Mar 1998, Michael Brandt wrote:
> Hi,
> On 22-Mar-98 Leo Weppelman wrote:
> > I'm afraid you'll have to provide some more info. The exact error messages
> > and, if possible, a stack trace.
> The last things on the screen before the crash were these two lines:
> 1 mouse configured
> 4 views configured
> The crash dump looks like this:
> vm_fault(0x1a0000, 5020000, 1, 0) -> 1
>   type 8, code [mmu,,ssw]: 4010755
> trap type 8, code = 4010755, v = 5020000
> kernel program counter = 0x9ba54
> kernel MMU fault trap
> [...]
> panic: MMU fault
> Stopped at _Debugger+0x6: unlk a6
> _Debugger(...)
> _panic(...)
> _panictrap(...)
> _trap(8,...)
> faulttstkadj(...)
> _cpu_root_conf(0,0,8,0,fffffffe) + 1e
> main(e7fb4)+ 330
> Since I need to write this all down to paper and then type it in, I left out
> some things (...) which I guess are not useful for remote debugging. If you
> need more info please let me know.

The info above gives 2 possible functions where the crash could have happened,
   - findroot(), where the kernel tries to find a root device by itself
   - setroot(), where either a root found by 'findroot()' or one given by the
     user is set.
If the problem is in 'findroot()', the '-b' option of the booter might work
around this. Can you also try 'nm /netbsd' and look in which function the
program really is?

The problems might be caused by an incorrectly compiled kernel. When you did
setup the 1.3.1 sys-tree, did you completely wipe-out the compile directory
'.../atari/compile/<config>'? There might be some uncaught dependencies
lurking here. O, and do you use a standard config? If not, what are the diffs
to the config it was derived from?

Questions, questions, questions ;-)
