Subject: Re: Wondering about X11 ...
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Gerner <>
List: port-atari
Date: 09/13/1997 17:31:50
In article <>, (Michael Brandt) writes:
>So if I understood this right there is no (easy) way to use a 3 button mouse
>with X11 on a plain TT with Xdaniver? How depressing ...
There are 3 button mice available for the Atari. Also possible is to change
a PC mouse for this purpos. I did this with a genius mouse and this works
fine. But you must know where is the hot end of a soldering iron. :-)
>Another thing that comes to my mind thinking of Xdaniver: I compiled it some
>time ago and it works fine, but by browsing through the makefile I got the
>impression that there must be a way to compile it for monochrome use only.
>I hope the result would be smaller and/or faster but I couldn't figure out what
>to do to get the monochrome version. Any ideas?
To build a monochrome only server you must change one file in .../hw/amiga,
I think amigaGC.c or similar. This file contains calls to the initializing
code of the different framebuffer driver. There you must comment out the
calls to the ipl driver. Next you must change the Makefile in programs/Xserver
not to link the ipl driver.
But it has no advantage to do so. The code don't get faster, because it
is always used the framebuffer code necessary for a given depth. The only
advantage would be to get a smaller binary. But because of the demand paged
executeable of NetBSD this has no advantage of the memory usage of the
>Yet another thing: When running NetBSD with a text screen (no X11) I can use
>this nice feature which allows me to switch between several screen by pressing
>Alt-Fn. After starting X11 it doesn't work anymore. Is there any way to avoid
No way.
>Still one more: I spend quite some time fiddeling with the xmodmap program to
>get X to understand the input from my german keyboard but it still has
>problems with the keys that can produce 4 different characters. For everyone
>out there who doesn't know the german keyboard: there is a key which produces
>the following characters:
Use this map:
keycode 4 = 3 section
keycode 7 = 6 ampersand
keycode 8 = 7 slash
keycode 9 = 8 parenleft
keycode 10 = 9 parenright
keycode 11 = 0 equal
keycode 12 = ssharp question
keycode 13 = apostrophe grave
keycode 14 = BackSpace BackSpace
keycode 21 = z Z
keycode 26 = udiaeresis Udiaeresis at backslash
keycode 27 = plus asterisk
keycode 28 = Return Return
keycode 29 =
keycode 39 = odiaeresis Odiaeresis bracketleft braceleft
keycode 40 = adiaeresis Adiaeresis bracketright braceright
keycode 41 = numbersign asciicircum
keycode 42 = Shift_L
keycode 43 = asciitilde bar
keycode 44 = y Y
keycode 51 = comma semicolon
keycode 52 = period colon
keycode 53 = minus underscore
keycode 96 = less greater
keysym Alt_L = Mode_switch
Best you load this map after the server statup. E.g. if you use xdm, load
the code from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0.
| Thomas Gerner, Munich, Germany | 2B or not 2B = FF |
| Email: | |