Subject: Re: 1.2D MMU Fault panics
To: chris_gray <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 05/30/1997 22:36:18
chris_gray wrote:
> FWIW, my current experience with 1.2D on a Falcon/FX is: occasional MMU
> panics (mostly during startup), but still regular freeze-ups.
> 1. Anything I could do to help diagnose the freeze-ups?

Try see if you can enter the kernel debugger (<alt><lshift><f9>). If this
works [ usually it doesn;t - this makes this so hard to debug ], drop
me a stack-trace (the 't' command).

> 2. Re: moving to IDE:
>   i) can I mix IDE and SCSI?

Yup, no problem. I currently do this on my Hades.

>   ii) if yes, which partitions should I move?  Root & swap?

Yes. Especially swap seems to be a good candidate.
