Subject: Re: Falcon serial port problems
To: George Simunovich <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 10/02/1996 21:52:04
Hi George,
> I've having problems with the modem2 serial port on my Falcon running
> NetBSD-1.2.  I've just installed NetBSD and installed all the binary
> distribution files.  I've also grabbed the kernel source files and
> compiled my own kernel using the FALCON config with FPU emulation
> added.
> Every time I try to use "/dev/mdm02" I either get errors or the process
> hangs.
> When I use "cu -l /dev/mdm02" to directly access the modem on
> the port, "cu" reports "Connected." and the DTR light on the modem
> lights up.  Whenever I try to type a modem command, "cu" errors out
> with "cu: write: Input/Output Error" on the first keystroke. "cu" then
> reports "Disconnected." and the DTR light on the modem goes out.
Try setting up a full blown taylor config in /etc/uucp. This should
usually do the trick.
> Every other command I've tried ("stty -a < /dev/mdm02",
> "cat > /dev/mdm02") just hangs.  "ps" shows that the shell forks then
> stops with "STAT" being "SV+".  I guess when the shell tries to
> open "/dev/mdm02" for the redirect it gets stopped.  No job control
> ('^C', '^Z') works and I have to "kill" the forked shell to get my
> shell back.
Try: 'stty -f /dev/mdm02 clocal' first. Otherwise all opens block waiting
for a carrier. I think you can accomplish the same if you enter an entry
for mdm02 to the /etc/ttys file using the clocal flag. See the man page
for ttys(5).
> I'm off to try and get the Falcon's LAN port to work.  Isn't the
> LAN port just a serial port, serial2?  Does it work as a normal
> serial port under NetBSD?  Has anyone had any success in doing so?
> I have tried to use "stty 9600 < /dev/ser02" to set it at 9600 baud,
> but then "stty -a < /dev/ser02" reports a baud rate of 9562.
> Trying to set it to 2400 baud then reports the baud as 2397.
> What is this about?
This is the theoretical versus actual baud rate. Some baudrates can
not be obtained exact from the clocks supplied. A few percent deviation
is usually aceptable.
