Subject: "Device not configured"
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Benjamin Lorenz <>
List: port-atari
Date: 04/25/1995 18:12:36
Well, I am frustrated now :-(
I succeeded in doing a newfs /dev/rsd1a manually, but disklabel sd1
prints nothing but bullshit: I have 3 partitions - disklabel says 4,
the offsets of the partition sectors are messed up, fsize, bsize and
cpg are 0 on all 4(!) partitions...
mount_msdos /dev/sd0a /mnt/gemdos says: "mount: Device not configured".
If I try the install script, I get this f*cking "MMU fault" after
newfs of the root-device (/dev/rsd1a; should really be rsd1b, because
rsd1a was configured as NBS - swap space...).
---> the SCSI driver doesn't recognize my partitions correctly.
Its an old Conner HD with 121mb.
I need a new kernel to proceed, I think...
Benjamin Lorenz ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
Johannisstr. 15 `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) +49 681 302-5333
D-66111 Saarbruecken (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'
+49 681 372253 (priv) _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' +49 681 302-2239
+49 681 35334 (WG) (il),-'' (li),' ((!.-' Universitaet des Saarlandes