Subject: Re: New bootloader
To: None <>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/13/2001 18:45:49
> Ouch .... i hope you dont use this normally... it should be run as a
> normal application please !!! In a taskwindow i cant guarantee that the
> physical hardware pages wont move (!) ...

OK then, here's the output when I put a *spool as the first line
in the fastboot obey file.
                                         BtNetBSD 0.80
                      booting NetBSD/arm32 on a RiscPC/RC7500/NC and Imago
Booting ADFS::4.$.RiscBSD.Kernels.1_5.NewBootLdr ADFS::4.$.RiscBSD.Kernels.1_5.NewBootLdr root=/dev/wd0e maxproc=64 nofpa

I got a 628 memory pages to mess with
Getting memory configuration 

Found  DRAM (0) at 0x10000000 for            16384 k
Found  DRAM (1) at 0x14000000 for            16384 k
Found  VRAM (0) at 0x02000000 for             2048 k

Getting actual memory mapping

Found memory blocks 0x1081A000-0x10815000  0x10A69000-0x1038C000  0x10A5E000-0x107FD000  

A total of about 490 pages need to be relocated

Looks pretty bad still.......????

   ________         _         ______                  __               
  / ____/ /_  _____(_)____   / ____/___ _      ______/ /__  _______  __
 / /   / __ \/ ___/ / ___/  / /   / __ \ | /| / / __  / _ \/ ___/ / / /
/ /___/ / / / /  / (__  )  / /___/ /_/ / |/ |/ / /_/ /  __/ /  / /_/ / 
\____/_/ /_/_/  /_/____/   \____/\____/|__/|__/\__,_/\___/_/   \__, /  