Subject: Packages and things
To: None <>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/02/2001 22:03:21
I've got 1.5 installed on my RiscPC without too much trouble
(I upgraded manually from 1.4)

A silly question - why do we have to manually edit rc.conf to
say rc_configured=YES as until you do that it's a right pain
to do anything.

I've got a kernel rolled with buggy ICSIDE driver removed, and
all looks good.

Now, I would like to use KDE, Mozilla etc. Can I use the package
system and will it work?

And has Mike Pumfords Etherh stuff gone in yet?, i.e. will it
'just work' or do you need to run RiscOS first?

Oh, and the Inst kernel didn't.

And why does it take so long to probe when the kernel boots.
I'm sure it didn't way back on 1.3.2?


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