Subject: X-server on CATS running 1.4.2?
To: '' <>
From: Alstrup, Kurt <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/08/2000 13:40:43
I just got hold on some CATS systems and I ran into a couple of hopefully
minor problems, which I hope someone in this group can solve or give hints
on how to get solved.
First problem is that I and want to get the XFree server installed on them.
I followed the instructions for kernel configuration at
regarding installing 3.3.6 on NetBSD. I didn't rebuild the X-server, so I'm
using the one found at (file name XF86_S3V-CATS-19991024.gz). I
can sucessfully start the server, but the mouse doesn't work. I assume that
the X-server will need the wsmouse device, but it is not detected by my
kernel. This may in fact not be an X-related problem.
Second problem is that I can't get the USB and floppy driver to work. Are
these two devices supported in 1.4.2 at all? At least the floppy driver
seems to be missing in the arm32 sources.
Finally, anyone know if NIC cards based on Intel 8255[789] chips will work
with the arm32 port of 1.4.2?
Kurt Alstrup