Subject: Re: What about SetDisplay ... -c 24, -c 32 (16M in RISCOS) ?
To: None <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/01/1999 17:21:02
> I try 'setdisplay -x 800 -y 600 -c 24 -v' and
> I try 'setdisplay -x 800 -y 600 -c 32 -v'.
> The system respond to me that it find a good mode in my MDF file.
> When I run X, it return to the system with the message
> of type : problem buffer 800 x 600 x 24(or 32).
> In RISCOS these modes run OK!( 16M)
> I don' understand why?
I don't think the X Server supports 24 & 32 bpp modes (unless it's 
changed recently). This means that the console and setdisplay 
support for these modes is not particularly well tested. I suspect the 
main reason for this is that X is not the world's most usable GUI at 
resolutions < 1024x768 making 24bit X Server support a low priority.
