Subject: Re: -mcpu=strongarm - bug in 1.4.1
To: Matthias Scheler <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/23/1999 11:09:13
On Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 08:35:44PM +0000, Matthias Scheler wrote:
> In article <>,
> 	Ignatios Souvatzis <> writes:
> > I forgot that without -mcpu=strongarm, it pretends to compile fine.
> I've seen the same problem several times, too. But it was not related
> to "-mcpu=strongarm" but to "-O" and "-O2".

well, the strongarm has the signed char b = *(r+n), in addition to the
unsigned b = *(r+n) that other arms have... so I guess this is why I see it.


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