Subject: Re: Shark PSUs
To: Steve Woodford <>
From: Robin Watts <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/06/1999 00:33:03
On Fri 05 Nov, Steve Woodford wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Robin Watts wrote:
> One of my Shark's PSUs went tits-up after a month of use. Replacing
> the switching regulator IC (the only IC on the board) solved the
> problem.

Urm, there are 2 ICs on my board (+ at least 2 transistory thingies
big enough to have heatsinks on). I can't seem to match either of the
sets of hieroglyphics on the ICs to anything in the Maplin catalogue.

The 2x3 pin one has 4N35 and 710ATK19 on it. The 2x4 pin one has
?74D0E6T and UC3842P on it. Does this mean anything to anyone?


Robin Watts,			Email: <>
Warm Silence Software,		WWW:   <>
P.O.Box 28, Woodstock,		Tel:   0585 487642 (or Home: 01608 737172)
Oxfordshire, OX20 1XX		Fax:   01608 737172
I know he looks like me, hates work like me,
and walks like me; he's even got a twin like me.