Subject: Re: NetBSD/arm32 and RISCOS 4
To: None <>
From: Andrew Wingate <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/12/1999 23:39:26
* Dave Daniels ( [991012 03:52]:

> I am not sure if I ever said anything, but I did manage to get the
> NetBSD/arm32 bootloader working with RISCOS 4. I have sent the
> updated code to Mark Brinicombe but I do not know if it is
> generally available yet. If it isn't and anybody wants the
> program, could they send me an email and I will email a copy
> to them.

Assuming it's the same version I was sent in order to also test it under
versions of RISC OS < 4.00, then it should also currently be available
from for the forseeable
future. The .message in that directory could do with being updated but
my Part II project seems more important atm.
Andy Wingate <>
Part II Chemist, NCL, Oxford University