Subject: Re: About the compilation error (sorry) + pmap errors
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/23/1999 22:33:40

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, I wrote:
> The reason I included the switch were some very bad crashes with my old
> kernel under load (compiling a kernel, deletting an old sourcetree and
> untarring a big tar-file).... 
> It was a sup'ped at 21/22 aug. from NetBSD-release..... It paninc'd during
> the NetBSD coredump in a panic (never saw a `core') and continued to print
> the a few lines telling it had to do with `pmap' and a lot of `ipl' (?)
> lines...
> More details later (I wrote it down somewhere, but can't find it right
> now). That's why I compiled my kernel, to include the kernel debugger and
> the pmap debugging code anyway :-(

Now I found it... it was : "pmap_remove_pv : lost entry" at about line
520. followed by "boot: howto=104, currproc=0xf3473138" and the `ipl'
stuff, but I didn't wrote them down...

My new kernel has pmap_debug and kernel debugging build in, so I'm

