Subject: Re: Which xserver for 1.4 release?
To: None <>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/06/1999 18:10:41
> OK, hopefully it works better than the other Xvidc from that folder, which
> just freezes the machine...

Neither froze my machine......
> I still can't get login to work, so am running single user. Should X be
> happy like that?

Dunno, but fixing multi-user didn't ought to be a problem. Have you
edited /etc/rc.conf, in particular the line rc_configured=NO?

If not, change it to rc_configured=YES and you should get multi-user.

> Cheers all.
> --
> Stephen Hobbs.
> e-mail: ee95seh (at)
> Just graduated in Elec. Eng from Brunel Uni.

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