Subject: Xvidc & GCC
To: None <>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/04/1999 21:31:51
'Evening all,

	I've just been playing with the new Xvidc & 1.4, compiling
Doom of all things.

Two observations have come out of my playing:

i) The pop-up menus on Xterms don't work properly. They appear, but
you can't select anything.

ii) Compiling doom with the -O2 flag causes the binary to core-dump.
I tried to gdb it, but gdb recons it's not in executable format.
Not much help.

But the kernel and server have been stable.

A few other things.

I had to make a link from /usr/include/X11 to /usr/X11R6/include.
Do people think this should be made by installing the xcomp set?

mount_filecore seems to corrupt files. Do other people have any
problems with it?

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