Subject: Diskless SHARK wedging
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/19/1999 17:04:09

I am able to make my Sharks wedge nearly at will.

* start PVM on 8 of them.
* start xmandel (an pvm application, that will distribute work to all 
  configured PVM nodes)
* wait...

repeat until one of the Sharks wedges.

Definition of "wedge":

- doesn't react to serial console any more, not even to a break.
- doesn't react to network, especially: doesn't pong when you ping it.
- the front LED is either steady green or steady off.
- the inside yellow LEDs are steady on.
- the inside green LED is happily blinking, as if it was connected to
  network activity (is it?)

Machine configuration:

- diskless
- 64 MB of RAM.
- 47 MB of NFS swap (apparently, not used at all)
- /dev on mfs 
- /tmp on mfs (but not used very much)

The 8 sharks are connected to a desktop Ethernet hub, which in turn is 
connected to a catalyst switch which connects to the server.

The kernel can be netbsd-1.4: shark-netboot, or the same built with the
fixed bcopyinout.S.

Any idea what to do to debug this?

	Ignatios Souvatzis

 * Progress (n.): The process through which Usenet has evolved from
   smart people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of
   smart terminals.  -- (obscurity)