Subject: Re: SHARK TV-Out Update
To: Erik E. Fair <>
From: Mark J. Foster <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/15/1999 08:02:32
"Erik E. Fair" wrote:
> Does your message mean that, modulo the hardware fix, the NetBSD kernel has
> been corrected to match the OF parameters for the IGS CyberPro 2010 video
> chip? Have those changes been committed to the source repository?
Sorry, but not yet! So far, I'm using a nasty hack in my AV driver just to
discover how the bits should be set in the chip (which lets me play with the
CyberPro registers within applications programs). Down the road, I plan to
ultimately do proper patches for each of the console drivers, including OFW,
pccons, and X, so that we can get decent color TV-Out without overscanning
(chopped off characters).
Unfortunately, when I reach that stage, I'll need help. Since this is the
very first code I've ever written for NetBSD (really, for any Unix), I'm
utterly clueless as to how to release my patches (and driver, for that matter)
back into the source pool...