Subject: RE: small announcement - NetBSD/arm32 runs on a new machine
To: '' <>
From: Edwin Foo <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/14/1999 11:11:18
Currently, none are for sale (all available production has been diverted to
support the robotics contest at MIT right now), but Compaq CRL will likely
be entertaining requests for prototypes on a "perceived-need" basis. I
imagine top priority will be internal units (other research labs within
Compaq Corporate Research), but I have already made verbal commitments to
several people at MIT for hardware. If you are associated with a university,
I suggest you take advantage of that connection or otherwise give me
something I can use to argue with the powers-that-be regarding board

If you want to give it a try, the contestants in the MIT contest will be
done at the end of the month. Traditionally we allow outsiders to attempt to
buy off their kits, including the controller board. Send mail to if you are interested. However, I'll warn you in
advance that I suspect people will want to keep their kits this year, no
matter the price. =)

The next production run will be taking place next month.

If you are interested in keeping up with announcements, you should send mail
to and we will keep your name on the list. I also post
daily (roughly) updates to the web site with new application notes and the
like, so check back there for updates on actual use of the controller.

I am in the process of going through the necessary motions to release my
code under BSD license with permission from both Compaq and MIT. I doubt
I'll have any trouble with MIT, but fortunately for me, the Shark folks
already went through this mess once before with Compaq (formerly Digital
Equipment Corp.) and it looks like I'll be able to build on top of that. Of
course, that depends on whether people actually want to deal with trying to
read my code. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 1999 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: small announcement - NetBSD/arm32 runs on a new machine

> Hi Everyone,
> If anyone is interested in new NetBSD ports and/or small computers, you
> might want to check out
> Therein lies my life's work for the past year. =) Now if I can only
> _write_ the thesis, I might graduate.. yay.

Cool! Is it possible to buy somewhere?
It looks terribly complicated.

I have considered replacing my pc/104 system with an ARM system,
but has not found anything suitable. 
