Subject: /dev/lp*0 (interrupt?) woes
To: None <>
From: Toby Bryans <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/15/1998 21:39:46
Hello all!

I have recently been donated a RPC 700 with BSD on it, which I intend to
run as a samba / print / amd / yp server. However, I have been stumped by
BSD bombing out with the following messages:

Fault with intr_depth >0
Data abort: "Translation fault (page) status=007 address=f2a57000 PC=f0124ba4
Stopped at 0xf012fd90 : ldmdb r11, {r11, r13, r14}

Or alternatively:

panic: Prefetch abort in non-USR mode (frame 0xf2a4b304)
Stopped at 0xf012fd90 : ldmdb r11, {r11, r13, r14}

It bombs out when I cat /dev/lpt0, /dev/lpa0. The printer resets, prints
a little, then stops.

I read in the archives other people having this problem some time ago,
I was just wondering if it has been diagnosed and fixed, and therefore
whether it is worth downloading the latest snapshot from the site (it was significantly slower then the site today, which seemingly hasn't been updated
recently, from

I have got the most recent snapshot from the .uk site.

Many thanks for any assistance,

"Computers provide an individual with the capability making mistakes with
 large impact"
 - Bob Frankston in comp.risks