Subject: ttys with -current
To: None <>
From: David Forbes <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/09/1998 11:57:28
I've just built and installed -current (1.3I) from tar balls (fetched 17th
November) on my CATS system.  Everything appears to work except various
tty operations, which means that I can only do anything if I start up in
single-user mode. 

During boot, when at the "Setting tty flags" stage, I get:
	ttyflags: open /dev/ttyv0: Operation not supported by device

(Ten of these, one for each of /dev/ttyv0-9)

Then as the gettys attempt to start up I get:
	getty: operation not supported by device
for each of the ttyv? for which a getty is configured.

However, there is one exception.  I have a serial terminal attached to
/dev/tty01.  I don't get the errors above for /dev/tty01, and the getty
starts and I get a login prompt on the terminal.  When I type a character,
though, it all goes horribly wrong: (This on the console, in cyan)

Fault with intr_depth>0
Data abort: 'Translation fault (page)' status=007 address=effffffc
Instruction @Vf012d9f4 = e7972109
stopped in getty at _Debugger+0x10 : ldmdb r11, {r11, r13, r15}
db> tr

[Copied and typed... E&OE]

Now I didn't alter /dev/ at first.  Then I tried ./MAKEDEV all (which
succeeded in knackering /dev/rwd0a...), but (surprisingly) there was no
change.  (AFAIK, MAKEDEV is as old as /dev/*, i.e. 1.3F ca. June 98).

Any ideas greatly appreciated...


David Forbes.