Subject: An addition to pkgsrc
To: NetBSD Mailing List <>
From: Timothy Coltman <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/04/1998 19:27:00

This is a blatant plug for a program I've written for pkgsrc. I'm a little
apprehensive about telling everyone about it in case you all think it's crap but
I'm tell you anyway.

It's called pkg_rename and is especially useful, if like me you download on
your RISC-PC and transfer your downloads to your NetBSD installation using
UnixFS and the filenames get screwed up because of RISC-OSs 10-char
filename limit. You can use pkg_rename to correct the filenames. How exciting!

For example, if you download Mozilla and transfer it to NetBSD with the
name of 'mozilla.tgz', you can type

pkg_rename mozilla.tgz www/mozilla

and the filename will get corrected.


You can download it if you're desperate from my web page:

I'd like to hear your comments on it. It's not restricted to Acorn using types,
anyone can download it and compile it.

Have fun,
