Subject: More on shared libraries...
To: NetBSD Mailing List <>
From: Timothy Coltman <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/29/1998 20:49:45
On Thu 26 Nov, Dave Millen wrote:
> Timothy Coltman wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm using NetBSD/arm32 1.3H - the 19981001 snapshots.
> >
> > Is there a problem with building shared libraries with this version of the
> > snapshot, as I have attempted to build all of the following using pkgsrc and
> > they all core dump on me:
> You will need to use an earlier /usr/bin/as, either the one from the August
> snapshot
> or the one from 1.3.2 (which I use, since it was already on one of my drives).
> It's no good
> compiling a new one from /usr/src/gnu/gas, since that is broken ATM for arm32.


I found my old NetBSD installation on a redundant 1Gb harddisc, which used the
August snapshots and copied the as over, renaming the old one (added an 's'). It
seems to work better. libslang, ncurses and gtk-1.0.6 from pkgsrc worked fine, as
did lynx-2-8-1 when I compiled that.

Unfortunately I can't get QT-1.41 to compile. I'm not using pkgsrc because pkgsrc
only builds the static libs and I want shared. Stupid thing won't work though.
More core dumps. I tried to compile KRepton (Repton for KDE (!)) with qt-1.41
and it wouldn't run at all.

I built my own snapshots from my old install and copied them over to my newest
install and I've installed them over the top of the October snapshots, but my
system is well screwed, mainly /usr/lib, as have just put the October
snapshots back and restored the August 'as'... When I compile things, I get
various errors, depending on the compiler:

c++ works fine
g++ complains about not being able to find something called 're_compile_pattern'
(or something) when compiling.
gcc compiles fine (sometimes) and then complains the same as g++ when I run stuff.

What have I done? Arrggh!

Can anyone give me any advice? I'd really like to get qt-1.41 working with
shared libs and doing what Dave suggested doesn't work with that. Also, what
have I done to my installation? Should I trash it (for the about tenth time in
a fortnight) and reinstall?


PS Nice interview in Acorn User, Mark and Neil. I like the pigeons.