Subject: SCSI problem
To: None <>
From: Mike Clark <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/26/1998 17:48:53

I'm in need of some advice.

I had RiscBSD working on my machine until a recent hard disc crash. At the
same time as installing a new hard disc I decided to upgrade my machine
with both a Simtec IDE interface and also a Power Rom for my Morley SCSI
card. I now find that I cannot reinstall NetBSD because of an install
kernel panic when it detects the SCSI card.

I want to install the NetBSD on an IDE drive attached to the Simtec
interface. Apart from removing the SCSI card from my machine is there an
easy way to stop the kernel attempting to probe the SCSI interface?

Mike Clark,              <URL:>
 o/ \\    //            ||  ,_ o   M.R. Clark, PhD. Division of Immunology
<\__,\\  //   __o       || /  /\,  Cambridge University, Dept. Pathology
 ">    ||   _`\<,_    //  \\ \> |  Tennis Court Rd., Cambridge CB2 1QP
  `    ||  (_)/ (_)  //    \\ \_   Tel.+44 1223 333705  Fax.+44 1223 333875