Subject: K-Office
To: None <>
From: MadNortheners <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/20/1998 13:53:39
Two points,

1) Is it even worth trying to get K-Office to work on my RPC, or is
it still to be hacked about and beaten into submission by the experts?

2) KDE seems to run rather (ie very) slowly when I drag windows about - is
this normal, or is it because I may have linked against the static libs?

3) Yes, I know... Anyway, I have problems with starting KDE, startkde
screams about not being able to talk to the xserver, so I had to edit my
xinit to run startkde after X has started. Does this explain 2, and are
there any fixes/workarounds/blindingly obvious solutions.

TTFN, Karl