Subject: Re: Undefined instruction?
To: None <>
From: Justin Stringfellow - Sun UK <justin.stringfellow@UK.Sun.COM>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/16/1998 16:33:28
> >0x4c00048f =    stcmi   4, cr0, [r0], #-572
> >
> >Co-processor 4 is not a standard co-processor, so my guess is you are 
> >trying to execute data -- ie your program jumped to never-never land.
> Hmmm, I guess a better question would be, "Why do I get this irregularly
> from make and cc when doing a make build?"  Is this a possible indicator
> of bad memory, perhaps?

Bad memory? hmm... I have that ;-)

Excuse me if this is not relevant, but why doesn't the jump itself produce some 
sort of segmentation violation & crap out _before_ executing the data?

   \\ \       Justin Stringfellow
  \ \\ /      OS Support Engineer
 / \/ / /
/ /   \//\    Sun Microsystems Ltd.
\//\   / /    Watchmoor Park, Camberley, England
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  / \\ \      E-mail:
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