Subject: Shark video fix
To: port-arm32 NetBSD <>
From: Robin Watts <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/07/1998 13:37:30
Hi all,

Can anyone recommend somewhere to get the parts required to do the
shark video fix from?

It involves wiring 3 surface mount components together (1 resistor
and 2 capacitors), but they are not easily available in the UK. I'd
gladly pay for them, but I can't find anywhere that can help me.

Any ideas?


Robin Watts,			Email: <>
Warm Silence Software,		WWW:   <>
P.O.Box 28, Woodstock,		Tel:   0585 487642 (or Home: 01608 737172)
Oxfordshire, OX20 1XX		Fax:   01608 737172
An L.A. 9th Graders homework - Using a given word in context:
Disappointment: "My parole officer tol me if I miss disappointment
                 they gonna send me back to da big house."