Subject: Re: cheap performance boost tip
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/31/1998 01:12:05
>  > >  > 	/dev/wd0b	/tmp	mfs	rw,-s=81920	0 0
>  > > ...I actually prefer using "swap" instead of an actual partition name.
>  > Where is that documented? (I don't see it in the 1.3.2 man pages.)
> mount_mfs(8).

     to be paged.  If the keyword ``swap'' is used instead of a special file
     name, default configuration parameters will be used.  (This option is
     useful when trying to use mount_mfs on a machine without any disks.)

Now, it looks like "default configuration parameters" really means "it does
something safe, but too complicated for me to spell out here in a sentence."
I would hope that it simply means the primary swap area will be used (and
this might be totally in memory and not correspond to any disk partition).

>  > Define "reasonable".
> 1MB/cyl, I think.  It's in the source :-)

Don't get me started about the value of man pages cross-referenced to an
HTML-ized archive of the source code.

Actually I was after the "reasonable" setting for how much of the swap area
it uses, if you don't hardwire the sector count with -s.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @