Subject: Re: What are the advantages of UVM?
To: Neil A. Carson <>
From: William Gallafent <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/03/1998 18:49:54
On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Neil A. Carson wrote:

[upgrading setup to UVM]
> Should be well worth it, although it appears to have shown up what could
> be some bugs somewhere in the Acorn architecture support (probably
> console...). That said, few people have reported bugs but most have
> enjoyed higher stability and performance, I think.

> Best upgrade your user and kernel to Marks new snapshot, which I think
> will be coming soon.

Ah, a new snapshot. Does this mean that I shouldn't bother downloading the
(errrmmmm 8/6/98 is it) most recent snapshot (UVM), but should wait for
this one? How long is it likely to be before it appears?


Bill (currently running 1.3E kernel, and a 1.3.1 userland (I think) with
cc1 etc. from the alpha distribution!!!)