Subject: Re: UVM and top
To: Timothy Coltman <>
From: David Forbes <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/16/1998 10:19:15
> 1. top doesn't work. It complains about something called _cnt when doing 
> a _kvm_read (or similar, anyway, it won't work). I've rebuilt the kvm.db 
> file using kvm_mkdb and it doesn't make the slightest difference. I've 
> noticed that top is in /usr/local/bin and the snapshots don't include 
> (AFAIK) this directory. Is this the problem? Can I fix top by just 
> recompiling it again, and if so, will it compile properly? (I've tried to 
> compile top and xosview (which I think includes bits of top) and they 
> don't work).

Have you been compiling with the -DUVM switch?  It seemed to fix the
problem for me.  (BTW, is there an easy way to have this switch on

> 2. I get a lot more kernel panics, notably when I change virtual 
> consoles: this morning, I was compiling the KDE games package and 

Well, I've found that the system seems to be more stable as a whole
(particularly the X-server - thanks everyone!), although xterms disappear
and leaving no trace, but a bash.core where they once were...  I don't
know if these are related?

Have fun,