Subject: Re: Enlightenment and compiling woes
To: ct <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/30/1998 18:22:14
ct wrote:
> Two quick questions:
> i) I've got this large (1.8Mb) C file, which consists primarily of a massive
> unsigned char array. The compiler runs out of memory when trying to compile
> it, ('out of virtual memory'), but 'swapctl' claims its not swapping at all
> (vm usage 6%). Any ideas?

Type 'unlimit' before you build it.

> ii) Has anyone got enlightenment to work? (Well, I remember Neil having done
> so...) I've got it to compile, but it keeps moaning it can't load its pixmaps
> (pix/status_text1.ppm). I've tracked this through, using my own little test
> rig, and modified Imlib so that my program worked (I added a pair of braces,
> which I believe were missing), but this hasn't helped e. AFAICT, its not
> even using my new library (I can't find debugging output anywhere), but the
> old one doesn't exist anywhere... Strange.

Hmm, not much to go on there :-)


Neil A. Carson   Business development, Causality and Chalice Technology
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SA110+1100, 21285/PCI, ARM, 3D, RTOSs, NetBSD, Image Processing, NC OSs