Subject: Re: Lastest (19980322) current kernel status
To: NetBSD/arm32 mailing list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kjetil B. Thomassen <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/19/1998 20:58:35
On Sun 19 Apr, paul wrote:
> Kjetil B. Thomassen wrote:
> > 3) dmesg does not work. It gives me a kvm_read error.
> >    I guess I need to recompile dmesg or the userland library.
> At a guess you need to install a new (and the .a for building the
> /bin binaries such as ps). Hrm, does ps still work?

Yes, ps does still works.

> What abount mounting /kern
> and looking at the message buffer :)

How do I do that?

/sbin/dmesg is statically linked (being in /sbin), so library should
not be a problem. But, I tested the dmesg binary from 1.3.1, and that
seems to work correctly.

> As an aside my RPC 700 running 1.2G acting as a small file server now has 150
> days uptime (actually I think its only 149 but I cant check right now).
> Congrats to Mark on that version being that stable!

I second this.

Kjetil B.