Subject: Strange things (linker + lkm)
To: None <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/20/1998 23:27:22

I tried to build the lkm examples. Compilation works fine, but when Im try to
install them using modload, I get the following error:

modload -o newsyscall -enewsyscall combined.o
modload: can't reserve memory: Operation not permitted
*** Error code 9


This is really curios because I could compile and install it as I had a
mixed v1.2/v1.3 system (only the base and comp set were from v1.3, the rest
was v1.2) and it even did work ! Now that I upgraded the whole system to 
v1.3 it seems no longer to work !?

I use the RISCPC #0 kernel from

Any ideas regarding this ?

ciao, peter.