Subject: Re: Netscape
To: None <>
From: Jochen Scharrlach <jscharrl@BA-Stuttgart.De>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/11/1998 09:15:16

> >Probably from a Netscape Press Release of August 26th 1997
> >( )
> >where they announce that they will create a 100% Pure Java
> >version of their Netscape Navigator client software by 1998.  ;-)
> Ah, I figured that once they actually implemented this and saw how
> slow it would be, they would quickly bury it :-)

I don't think so - Java 1.2 will probably be 2-3times faster than Java
1.1 + JIT - that's roughly 100times faster than Java 1.0.2! I once
ran the caffeine-benchmark on our HP-Server:

Java without JIT: 16
Java with JIT: about 350
TurboJ (native compiler): about 1400


> Nevertheless ... from everything I have heard, the 5.0 release is
> still going to be in C (and 1998 is still early :-) ).  If someone
> has contradicting information, please share it.

When the Netscape-woman talked about the "Javagtor" on the IIAS in
Berlin, I understood it that this version will be just another port. I
think Netscape doesn't have illusions that the Javagator could be as
fast as the native versions but I could imagine that Mozilla v6 is
build around a Java-core with some C/C++-extensions where pure Java
would hurt the performance too much. Some parts of Netscape v4 are
already written in Java and Netscape wants to go further that way.

