Subject: kernelsource does not compile :(
To: NetBSD ARM 32 mailinglist <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/06/1998 20:52:00

I tried to compile the kernel from the ksrc.tar.gz set available from the ftp 
site, but the compilation aborts with a syntax error:
In file included from ../../../../arch/arm32/arm32/disassem.c:54:
../../../../arch/arm32/arm32/disassem.h:44: argument format specified for 
non-function `di_printf'
*** Error code 1

The excerpt from the disassem.h file (with line numbers) is

   39 typedef struct 
   40 {
   41         u_int   (*di_readword) __P((u_int));
   42         void    (*di_printaddr) __P((u_int));   
   43         void    (*di_printf) __P((const char *, ...))
-> 44         __kprintf_attribute__((__format__(__kprintf__,1,2)));
   45 } disasm_interface_t;

IIRC this problem has been discussed here some weeks before. What is the 
solution for it ? Could someone compile from this source ?

Ciao, Peter.