Subject: Re: mail failed, returning to sender (fwd)
To: None <, port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Theo Markettos <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/07/1997 17:26:01
On Sun, 07 Dec 1997 12:28:07 +0000 (GMT), said:

> Hi
> I've got a problem in that I've got half a Gig of Hard Drivespace
> reserved for BSD, but I've got a Cumana CDROM + Interface which
> won't work from the Unix partition.  I can write to the Unix partition,
> but files such as BASE.SET.GZ end up as BASE_SET_GZ when copied to the
> BSD partition via RISCOS.

I've just done an install on exactly the same setup.  I'm a little bemused as
to where the underlines in your filenames have come from, as on my system,
the sets copied as BASE/SET and BASE/TAR when viewed in UnixFS.

> Does anybody have an altered installation script which can work around this
> or suggestions how I can create a working installation without having to
> copy all the files then rename them...

I've got a hacked copy of the inst script which renames the sets from BSD,
and then all you need to do is run the proper inst to install them.  Let me
know if you'd like a copy.

> As an aside, obviously, I will have to buy a new interface (and
> subsequently a new CDROM) to properly install NetBSD.  I would like to
> be using 1.3 if I created a proper intallation on my RiscPC.  Thus I
> would therfore appreciate a definitive list of verified compatible
> hardware.

I don't see the reasoning behind this, as all you need to do is copy things
over using UnixFS and then go into BSD and issue a few 'mv' commands.  I
don't think buying a new drive is worth it, considering it'll only take you a
few minutes to rename the files.

If you CD is a Cumana Indigo, as mine, it's not just the interface that is
not supported, it is that the drive uses a completely different set of
electrical signals, and the little Cumana board is clever enough to convert
these to be the same electrically as the IDE bus.  Even with this board, the
drive uses completely different communication protocols to an ATAPI drive, so
there is no hope of making your current drive work under BSD or buying a new
interface for it.  The only possibilities are if someone writes a driver for
the little Cumana board, or if you remove the Cumana board and drive and buy
a new ATAPI drive.

Theo Markettos