Subject: Re: RiscBSD v1.3alfa - Questions and Problems.
To: None <,>
From: Ib-Michael Martinsen <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/27/1997 18:58:30
Hi Chris

On Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 02:51:45 +0000 (GMT)

you wrote:

> >From what I hear it's a good CD...

It definitely is!

> Have you tried swapping which simm is in which slot?  There is some
> conditions where the faster simm must be in one slot, and the slower in
> the other...

Yes I did that too, I only forgot to mention it. I almost thought that
this was the solution, cause my machine was running from wednesday 9pm
and more than 10 hours (mostly idle-ing) without any problem. However
when I got home from work today it had crashed, approximately 1 hour
after I left home this morning. And during this hour it did nothing
but idle-ing.

> > Some of the sets from v1.2 (for instance xv, xosview and others) are missing
> > in v1.3alfa. Is it possible to use the v1.2 sets under v1.3?
> Only the statically linked ones (using the beta shared lib 1.2 files
> probably won't work)

But are not all the sets from v1.2 statically linked?

> > I have not been able to use the UnixFs. Is this because I am using a
> > 4.9GB only for RiscBSD and UnixFs can handle partitions of max 2GB?
> > 
> Does IDEFS start partion numbering at 0 or 4?  ATAFS starts at 0 (or later
> versions do) if it does you need to hack the mountufs basic file to not
> add 4 to the partition number...

IDEFS starts with partition 4. I tried to remove the 'add 4' part without
any better results. Maybe I did not do it right? Could you name the line
that has to be changed?

If I understand you right, UnixFS should be able to access partitions
greater than 2GB? Have you actually tried it?

> WD2A is not a valid drive...

I see that now, after scrutinizing mountufs.

> > Which user should be used to do the compiling?
> Any will do, although you might want to keep things tidy and have a user
> for just compiling with...

A good idea, why didn't I think of that (first)?  :-)

> You'd be better off not useing root other than when needed, (it's very
> easy to do something silly and remove files you need ;)

I know, but I never make mistakes!
If I mess up anything I do it on purpose :-)
Besides I have to justify the purchase of my SONY SDT-7000 DAT streamer :-)

> > I have not been able to find any documentation of the Boot Options for the
> > BootLoader. I have the option 'ehbug' in use. What does it mean?
> > And are there any other useful option?
> Not many, try using !Help on the boxes.  ehbug is to get around a problem
> of some ethernet cards not reseting properly and hanging.
I will try that next time.

Best regards
Ib-Michael Martinsen
Email at work:
Email at home:
Fidomail:      2:234/181.9

Using an Acorn RiscPC with a 202.4 MHz StrongArm processor :-)