Subject: Re: How do I delete an empty directory?
To: Jasper Wallace <>
From: Laurent DOMISSE <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/17/1997 16:48:10
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Jasper Wallace wrote:

> at the bottom of the man page for unlink there is a refrence to rmdir(2) in
> the 'see also' section. it does exactly what you want ;-)

The usual way to delete a directory is to use : rmdir <dir>
if you want to delete a dir with files inside , use rm -r  <dir>

 Laurent DOMISSE
 CREDM : Webmaster / Admin / Perl   Tel : 01 40 51 85 50
 Hobbies keywords : Skylink / Archimedes RPC-SA / W3Perl

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Jasper Wallace wrote:

<P>at the bottom of the man page for unlink there is a refrence to rmdir(2)
<BR>the 'see also' section. it does exactly what you want ;-)
The usual way to delete a directory is to use :&nbsp;rmdir &lt;dir>
<BR>if you want to delete a dir with files inside , use rm -r&nbsp; &lt;dir>
&nbsp;Laurent DOMISSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;CREDM : Webmaster / Admin / Perl&nbsp;&nbsp; Tel : 01 40 51 85 50&nbsp;
&nbsp;Hobbies keywords : Skylink / Archimedes RPC-SA / W3Perl</PRE>
