Subject: Re: How do I delete an empty directory?
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/17/1997 11:49:45
On Sun, 16 Nov 1997, Ib-Michael Martinsen wrote:
>Hi there!
>The header says it all. I can delete a file using the unlink function,
>but when I use unlink on an empty directory, it returns -1 and errno
>is set to 21.
>'man errno' shows
>21 EISDIR Is a directory. An attempt was made to open a directory with
> write mode specified.
>I guess the directory in case must be the parent directory to the one I
>want to delete. The user (owner) has write access to both directories.
>Furthermore, according to 'man unlink' the error EISDIR can not happen
>at all, so why does it?
>Is there any other way to delete a directory?
at the bottom of the man page for unlink there is a refrence to rmdir(2) in
the 'see also' section. it does exactly what you want ;-)
Jasper Wallace - Recovering Pre-Proto PFY (without the Pimples)
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