Subject: Re: Networks and CD's and things... (fwd)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dickon Hood <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/16/1997 11:40:22
Erm, somthing went badly wrong last time I sent this, and a null message got
out.  No idea how, sorry.

In message <Pine.SGI.3.96.971115153852.5609A-100000@csgi26> you wrote:

: Firstly, I've been trying to get nfs working properly on my little set up
: (one RiscBSD box networked to one RiscOS box) - with limited success. I
: shared /usr by adding it in the configure program, and this seems to be OK.
: I can log on as "nobody" using OmniClient (as an Acorn sponsored student I
: am covered on their site licence), and access public files. However, I'd
: like to get it to allow me to log in as myself, and get owner access to my
: files. However - I get the message "RPC Service Not Registered" from Omni.
: I've played around with the inetd.conf file and read stacks of man pages
: but can't figure out how to register the service (I assume there is a
: separate authorisation demon or something???).

Omnigrot requires pcnfsd to be running on the server to provide all its
authentication.  This is normal.  Type 'rpc.pcnfsd' at a root prompt.  If
you're wanting to access as root, you'll need to edit /etc/pcnfsd.conf to
allow pcnfsd to authenticate users with UIDs < 100 (IIRC); consult the man
page or email me for more information.

Needless to say, my NFS client for Risc OS doesn't enforce this sort of
things ;-)

[misc. other bits snipped as I'm not really in a position to answer them,
although a pint'd be handy... ;-]

Dickon Hood

I've now managed to find my .signature file, normal service
will be resumed when Connex South Central get their act together.
We apologise for the inconvenience in the mean time.