Subject: Re: Assistance required.....
To: Robert Malcolm Speed <>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/13/1997 00:20:27
On Wed, 12 Nov 1997, Robert Malcolm Speed wrote:

>On Sat, 8 Nov 1997, Jasper Wallace wrote:
>> look at the man pages for 'ifconfig', 'ping' is a good testing tool, and look
>> at 'netstat' (particulary netstat -in and -rn ) for more diagnostics. Oh and
>> you may need 'hostname' as well, and edit /etc/hosts to make it a bit more
>> friendly... ('domainname' is for your YP domain which you probably won't
>> need)
>netstat returns :
>netstat: kvm_read: Bad address
>(then repeats these line again)
>netstat -in    returns :
>Name   Mtu   Network   Address   Ipkts   Ierrs   Opkts   Oerrs   Coll
>netstat: kvm_read: Bad address
>netstat -rm    at first kept returning screenfulls of :

Ahhh that should be '-rn' r for routing and n for don't try to translate ip
addresses to doman names.

>netstat: kvm_read: Bad address     's
>and had to be killed on another session.
>then all of a sudden (no reboot, about 10 mins later) returned.
># nbuffs allocated to <nbuf type #>
>0/0 mapped pages in use
>0 kbytes allocated to network (-1% in use)
>0 requests for memory denied
>0 requests for memory delayed
>0 calls to protocol drain routines
>(where # is a number)

ok. you've got kernel-is-inconsistent-with-userland-syndrome ;-) (very

the kvm stuff is kernel virtual memory - ps, top, netstat & friends grovel
about inside the kernel's memory map, there only allowed access to certain
places, which are compiled in. so new kernel, old programs, and it dosn't

3 soultions:
use an old kernel for debugging

compile new programs that use kvm and make sure that they'er in sync with
the kernel, I've attached my netstat, it probably won't work, but it's worth
a try...

install the patch sets from the ftp site (if thats the right thing for your

>Also, there were no entries in the man pages for ping, netstat or ifconfig
>although they may be on the CD, I'm not sure, I haven't found it yet :)

the netstat man page is /usr/share/man/cat1/netstat.0, ping:
/usr/share/man/cat8/ping.0 . install the man set, it may save your life some
day ;-)

there is/was a permissions problem with some of the distributions,
/usr/share/man and it's subdirs should all be drwxr-xr-x.

>I don't suppose you know of an ISDN card for the RPC do you ?

nope. i think you can get isdn terminal adaptors that talk directly onto
ethernet tho.

>(Pilot project, I'm trying to setup BSD as a webserver - just really to
>see if I can do it.)

with isdn? probably better to get a PC with FreeBSD it's quite similar, but
has more drivers and usefull stuff than netbsd/i386 (which might have isdn
drivers too, so is probably worth a look), or linux...

>> O'Rielly do a good 'TCP/IP network administration guide' book ;-)
>---> Cheers, Now in Uni scouring the libraries...

'webmaster in a nutshell' is usefull if your running a webserver...

Jasper Wallace - Recovering Pre-Proto PFY (without the Pimples)
*Bugs coded* *Servers Shutdown* *hacks hacked* *mail lost* *routes re-routed*
*firewalls doused*  *discs trashed* *configurations broken* *code obsfucated* 
*demons killed*   *cables unplugged*    *deadlines ignored*   *machines hung*