Subject: Re: Causality at AW?
To: Chris Rutter <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/26/1997 10:44:36
We'll all be on our own stand, presently Stand 109 although this is open
to debate (the number seems to change depending on the source of the
information!). There should be some pretty cool hardware:
	Two different kinds of funky PCI hardware
	The Shark (not the latest revision with the amazing fast graphics,
	The obligatory Acorn machines (two RiscPCs)
Software-wise, yep Netscape wil be there (not my port, Paul Wain did it;
it's just me who's mad enough to use it as a mailer) together with maybe
another stunning package if we can find an NT4 server from somewhere
(hint: Does anyone on the list have an NT4 server they could lend us for
the duration of the show? I'm happy to collect... :-) ) At least the
latter stunning package will be buyable by all users of RiscBSD.

I'm trying to negotiate for a release of Netscape of some sort, but it's
like banging my head against a brick wall---they hardly ever reply.
Probably can't be bothered :-(

