Subject: Re: Drive quandary
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Wood <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/23/1997 19:03:10
On Wed 22 Oct 97 (20:22:45 +0100), wrote:

[ Snip ]
>The problem is, because there is already a hard drive and a CD-ROM
>on the IDE bus, and I don't want to use the first HD, I need to buy
>some form of extra interface (IDE or SCSI - no preference) and a new
>drive. Now, a good time to do this would be at Acorn World, but
>unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any up-to-date information ATM
>about which hardware is currently
>So, my question is: what hardware can people recommend that is known to
>work? (and if you feel like tackling the flamebait in my first
>paragraph, please do so :-)

What I did was get a Rapide interface and new HD put my RiscOS stuff on that
and then partitioned the original internal drive for RiscBSD (leaving a snall
RiscOS partition for use in emergenccies) that way I didn't have to worry 
about drivers for the Rapide interface and got improved performance from 
RiscOS.  Now that there are drivers for the Rapide  I will probably get another
drive (anyone selling them cheap at AW?) and  use the original disc as a 
backup.  One thought I had was getting a SyJet and using a disc for RiscBSD,
has anyone got anything like this woeking yet?


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