Subject: Installing CD's and zips (was Re: RiscBSD Numbers)
To: Risc BSD mailing list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/21/1997 13:40:00
(Note that this goes off at a tangent towards the end)

On Tue, 21 Oct 1997, John J. R. Irvine wrote:

> On 19 Oct 1997, Dave Daniels wrote:
> >    NC> In terms of serious users, probabnly a few tens. 
> >  
> > I find that a suprisingly low figure. Do you base it on the
> > feedback you have received from users, or a 'gut' feeling? I
> > suspect that might be a few people like me who lurk on the mailing
> > list, but who use RiscBSD on a fairly regular basis.

> What about people who don't use RiscBSD now but *would* use it if there
> was a nice CD that included everything necessary for installation?

Perhaps waiting for the CD at AW97 might and seeing how that installs.

Note that this is just for a cd that isn't supported, originally neil said
about a cd that has a certain amount of support.  The other problem with
this sort of thing is that NetBSD is constantly changing and moving, and
finding a point when the software is as a whole is stable is moderately
tricky, as something is always being changed.

Hopefully with the release of NetBSD 1.3 you can install it and
just update kernels when needed.  Having shared libs is going to help
on this as updates to a library can be done more easily without having to
send out all the programs again, useful for programs like ps, top etc.

One thought that did cross my mind was for me to make use of the internet
connection I've got and make Zip-discs of whats on the ftp site, having
just downloaded the sets, kernel and bootloader, I think they totalled to
just over 50Mb (Although I can't be too sure) and took about 20 mins for
me to download, the joys of superJANET... 

If anyone is interested in a zip disc of everything needed to install let
me know and I might be able sort something out.  Note that this is just an
idea but depending on interest I might do it.  For now though I suggest
people wait till AW97 and the CD. 
