Subject: Re: RsicBSD Numbers
To: None <>
From: Thomas Boroske <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/21/1997 14:59:57
In message <> you wrote:

> On 19 Oct 1997, Dave Daniels wrote:
> >    NC> In terms of serious users, probabnly a few tens. 
> >  
> > I find that a suprisingly low figure. Do you base it on the
> > feedback you have received from users, or a 'gut' feeling? I
> > suspect that might be a few people like me who lurk on the mailing
> > list, but who use RiscBSD on a fairly regular basis.
> What about people who don't use RiscBSD now but *would* use it if there
> was a nice CD that included everything necessary for installation?

Or more importantly a fast SCSI driver and general a bit more speedy 

Personally I don't think I would pay 100UKP for a RBSD CD no matter how nice
it was. I've personally bought a CD that was a plain dump of the ftp server
and had no problems with that - that costed 50 DM then.

Kind regards,

Thomas Boroske